Sleep Apnea: Learn More About The Serious Health Problems This Condition Can Lead To

sleep apnea,deviated nasal septum, dr. kimberly bolling

Although snoring and gagging during the night are two classic signs that you might have the sleep disorder called sleep apnea, they’re not the only symptoms. Daytime sleepiness, insomnia, forgetfulness, or even a dry or sore throat could also mean that you inadvertently stop sleeping at night, depriving your brain and other organs of essential oxygen.

The most common type of sleep apnea is called obstructive sleep apnea because it’s caused by your own tissues — such as your tongue or a thick neck — that block the healthy flow of oxygen through your airway while you sleep. A more rare kind, central sleep apnea, occurs when your brain “forgets” to tell your body to breathe during sleep. You could also have a mixture of obstructive and central sleep apneas.

Get evaluated

Dr. Bolling encourages you to get an evaluation for sleep apnea if you have symptoms such as:

If you suspect you have sleep apnea or another sleeping disorder, Dr. Bolling examines you to see if your tonsils or neck are overly large for your body type. She may refer you to a sleep clinic to confirm the diagnosis.

Sleep apnea is serious

Though snoring, sore throats, and being cranky might not sound like life-threatening symptoms, daytime sleepiness can lead to accidents, including car crashes.  Sleepiness and lack of focus also interfere with your ability to perform well at school or at your job.

The oxygen deprivation caused by the apneas — the pauses in your breathing — also stress your body, triggering a fight-or-flight response that raises your levels of the hormone cortisol.  Too much cortisol in your body leads to inflammation that can cause serious health complications.

Cardiovascular complications that may develop as a consequence of sleep apnea include:

Sleep apnea and inflammation also raise your risk for:

If you’re pregnant, sleep apnea can raise your risk for complications such as gestational diabetes and gestational HBP. Oxygen deprivation due to sleep apnea also raises the risk for your baby being born underweight.

Most sleep apnea is treatable

Dr. Bolling provides effective treatments for sleep apnea, including a simple oral appliance that unblocks your airways when you sleep. She may also recommend you for a continuous positive airway pressure CPAP machine that ensures a steady stream of oxygen through a mask you wear while sleeping.

In certain cases, she may recommend you for surgery such as septoplasty to correct a deviated nasal septum or other oral surgeries to remove obstructions.

To find out if you have sleep apnea and get effective treatments, call us today or set up an evaluation online.

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